Personal Injury
Have you or a loved one been injured in an auto, truck or motorcycle accidents, by medical mistakes, or nursing home abuse? If you or someone in your family suffers an injury that may have been caused by the carelessness or neglect of another, you may be able to file a claim for damages against that person or company.
The Fishman Law Firm has been handling Personal Injury cases for more than 25 years. We can answer all those questions you are having, such as:
• Is it too late to file my case?
• Is my case worth pursuing?
• How will a lawsuit affect me and my family?
• What can I expect in terms of a settlement or court date?
At The Fishman Law Firm, we fully understand all Missouri and federal laws governing personal injury and wrongful death claims, and have the skills and resources to aggressively pursue the monetary compensation you deserve. Most of our cases are handled on a contingency basis, which means that you will not owe us attorneys’ fees unless we make a recovery for you.
Contact any of our lawyers at The Fishman Law Firm P.C. for a free initial phone consultation regarding the injury by contacting us 24 hours a day by calling (314)727-9293.
Social Security Disability Benefits
Have you been denied social security or having problems with your disability claim benefits?
The Fishman Law Firm has handled hundreds of such cases, winning benefits even for clients who had given up hope. If you believe you deserve Social Security benefits or long-term care for your disability, don’t waste time. Begin collecting as soon as possible with the counsel of an experienced social security attorney.
Qualifying Disabilities
If any of the following disabilities keep you from working or from leading a normal, functional life, you may qualify for Social Security or disability payments. Other disabilities may also qualify if they are of similar severity:
- Anxiety
- Heart Disease/Stroke
- Arthritis
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Back Pain/Injuries
- Cerebral Palsy
- Back Pain
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Brain Injury
- Ulcerative Colitis/Crohn’s
- Brain Tumor
- Diabetes
- Cancer
- Cererbral Palsy
- Psychological Disorders
- Bi-Polar
- Lupus Disease
- Depression
- Epilepsy
Call for a free consultation:
The Fishman Law Firm at 314-727-9293
or e-mail us at [email protected]