Criminal Law
Facing criminal charges can be scary and confusing. It’s important to know that an experienced, proven attorney will represent you and safeguard your rights throughout your proceedings. You are entitled to a fair criminal process. The Fishman Law Firm, P.C. will make sure that’s just what you get.
Our attorneys offer over 20 years of criminal defense experience to assist clients who have been charged in Missouri. Our work is designed to help you minimize the harm done by an arrest, ensure that your rights are maintained throughout your proceedings and work toward keeping a conviction from being on your record.
Our responsive, personalized approach ensures that you get the attention your case needs. As a small-size firm, we offer individualized, approachable representation. We give every case our full effort and work as quickly as possible to limit any ill effects on your future.
I prepare every case as if it will go to trial. Why do I do this when most cases don’t go to trial? I do it because prosecutors know which attorneys just want to “plead out” every case quickly and which are thorough and aggressive in defending their clients. Which attorney do you think is more likely to get the good deals?
Discuss your case. Discover your options. No pressure. No scare tactics. Listen, I’m sending you this letter because I’m good at what I do–and because I care that you’re treated fairly and accorded all of your legal rights. I’m an attorney who will fight for you. I’ll return your calls.
I’ll give you honest advice. I’ll empower you to make decisions. And I promise, at the very least, you’ll come away from our discussion feeling stronger and more confident, and with some semblance of peace-of-mind.
To schedule a free consultation with our lawyer to discuss your specific criminal charges, call 314-727-9293.